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目前分類:藝評/報導‧Criticism/Report (5)

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◎節錄自 Dr. Sung-hui Lee



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Reviewed by Sung-hui Lee (Dr. Philosophy)

When viewing block prints, we think of the artists who created them, and the long painstaking process, which requires absolute concentration of the mind and body. It is a feeling quite different from what is created by paintings. Woodblock prints, in particular, make us think of the tension of muscles – the muscles of the artist who engraved the woodblocks, and the resistance of the wood that is being carved off by the artist’s blades. We might call it the sensation of cutting.

However, the woodblock prints by Gu-hwan Park are slightly different. In his prints, the sensation of sharp blades is surrounded by gentle curves and soft colors. It is a very unusual experience to get such delicate and gentle feelings from woodblock prints. But that doesn’t mean his process of woodblock printing is gentler, and thereby easier, than others. As one critic has pointed out, his prints are made with the Reduction Printing Method, which uses only one block to print the desired image in multiple colors. That requires the artist to cut away the surface little by little, until all desired parts are printed in different desired colors. So his is a method that requires longer and more painstaking stages than most other woodblock print methods. The numerous worlds and universes are born and then reduced, until he gets one final print of a landscape. It is remarkable that his landscape prints – which look so peaceful and bountiful – are the result of such a rigorous process.

In spite of the arduous work, his prints of landscapes are always heart-touchingly cheerful, and pleasant. We see no emotional disturbances, or signs of the violent force of nature that threatens life. His prints are permeated with the positivity and delightfulness of life – on trees full of spring blossoms, and in villages so peaceful along the coasts of southern islands. Perhaps, the landscape in his prints is our home that is now lost, or the deepest part of our heart that has been buried under the thick layers of time we have lived through in this busy modern society. Whatever it might be, we are not to mistake the pleasant colors and gentle curves – and the serene peace that comes from them – as unsophisticated simplicity, or decorations of vanity.

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文/ 高雄市立美術館

「2010高雄獎」從眾多參賽者中,榮耀登上新科者分別是:黃郁雯、謝怡如、盧昱瑞、王挺宇、吳其育。今年參賽者亦以七年級新世代表現最為亮眼。其中最引人注目的是,七年級中段班的吳其育發揮了新世代的創意與思維,讓新媒體New media藝術表現,一路過關斬將從初審晉級複審,最後從眾多媒材作品中脫穎而出,登上高雄獎之桂冠,彷彿預示「新科技」的藝術表現將於台灣藝術發展掀起風波。此外,最令新科得主驚喜的是,在高美館積極爭取與高雄市長陳菊女士與議會的支持下,今年將高雄獎獎金加碼為每人新台幣30萬元,成為全國公辦視覺藝術競賽中,個人獎金最高者,獎金的加碼是高雄市政府對藝術發展的鼓勵,亦是高雄市政府送給新科得主的臨門雙喜。



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文/ 高雄市立美術館


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